Open Positions
Graduate Students:
Students are encouraged to contact me via email at any stage of the application process. Availability of positions is subject to current funding status, which is open to change.
Undergraduate Students:
Interested in research? Send Dr. Andrew B. Wong an email to inquire about openings.
Postdoctoral Fellow (Several Positions Available):
This position is for postdoctoral research in the exciting areas of either CO2 capture, CO2 conversion, and bioelectrochemistry in the Andrew B Wong group, which is affiliated with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS) as well as with the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
The ideal candidate would possess expert-level knowledge of electrocatalysis, bioelectrochemistry, or similar chemistries with a publication track record as a first author in leading journals (Impact factor >10 or more). Experience with materials characterization techniques such as SEM, EDS, EELS TEM, STEM, XRD, XAS, XPS, FTIR, AFM, STM, and/or Raman would be desirable. Comfort discussing research fluently in English is also highly desirable.
Those applicants who meet the requirements and pass the preliminary review will be notified via email to arrange an interview. Recruitment advertisements are in effect until the positions are filled.
PhD degree in a related discipline (Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, or a related field. A strong understanding and extensive experience in electrochemistry/electrocatalysis or bioelectrochemistry is strongly preferred.
2. Applicants should have excellent research skills, experiences, and traits, such as:
a) Able to demonstrate a track record of novel research (First author papers in IF >10 journals
b) Able to understand, analyze, and critique literature
c) Able to formulate and propose research directions
d) Able to demonstrate a rigorous and earnest attitude towards research
e) Able to work well in interdisciplinary or multicultural team settings
f ) Able to carry out scientific research independently
g) Able to mentor undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students
h) Able to manage routine logistics of research.
3. Applicants with at least one of the following experiences are preferred:
a) Rich experience in nanomaterial synthesis and characterization for catalysis (such as synthesis of new catalysts)
b) Research background in electrocatalytic reactions (including but not limited to CO2RR, OER, HER, etc.) and/or with electrolytic cells ( such as flow cell, membrane electrode assembly, solid-state electrolyte, etc). Applicants with unique insights and research ideas on the development of carbon dioxide electrocatalysis and cell design are particularly desirable.
c) Experience with in-situ or in operando characterization of electrocatalysts, including FTIR, Raman, or XAS characterization, etc.
d) Research experience with halide perovskite materials, including design and synthesis of new materials, device fabrication (PV and/or LED), and characterization.
e) Experience in high-temperature electrochemistry using molten salt electrolytes.
f) Experience in bioelectrochemistry.
4. Postdoctoral fellows have an annual salary of about SGD 65,000 (about 320,000 RMB), and provide internationally competitive compensation and benefits, including performance bonuses, medical insurance, and vacations. Remuneration packages are given preferentially according to personal scientific research ability and relevant regulations of postdoctoral fellows. The research group will provide a stable and first-class research environment. In addition, the research group will support personal career development according to interests and needs.
Instructions on How to Apply:
Applicants should send the following materials in the form of a PDF document to mseabw@nus.edu.sg. Please indicate "Postdoc application, Name" in the subject of the email and submit all application materials in English.
a) Personal Resume (including study and work experience, main research workcontent, dissertation title, and awards received)
b) Three Academic Papers that can reflect your personal research ability and academic achievement
c) Contact Information for three letter of recommendation writers
d) Doctoral Degree Certificate
COVID-19 Message
In accordance with Singapore's legal requirements, unvaccinated workers will not be able to work on the NUS premises with effect from 15 January 2022. As such, job applicants will need to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated to secure successful employment with NUS. At NUS, the health and safety of our staff and students are one of our utmost priorities, and COVID-vaccination supports our commitment to ensure the safety of our community and to make NUS as safe and welcoming as possible. Many of our roles require a significant amount of physical inte ractions with students/staff/public members. Even for job roles that may be performed remotely, there will be instances where on-campus presence is required.